Saturday, April 28, 2012

Technology, Drinks and Good Times!

After several long conversations on Google+ regarding cloud technologies and the various approaches that are available today, a friend of mine recommended we start this blog as a way to help educate today's consumers.  We will use simple terminology and real world examples to help people understand what is really going on...not just what Apple makes you think you need. it isn't that bad.  Apple does make some good products and services, however despite what they might lead you to believe, they don't cure cancer and will not solve all your problems just by owning a iAnything. 

That being said, I would like to introduce you to my good friend Neil Murray.  He will be posting on this site with regularity as he has a unique view on technology.  No, he is not an IT professional, which is the exactly the point.  Today's technology is easier than it used to be.  It has become much more about what works for you the best and less about what can it do.  He is REALLY good at explaining the pro's and con's of various products and services in an entertaining manner that just makes sense! 

Anyways, please check in with us as we discuss the broad and often confusing topic of technology.  If you are closely related to Steve Jobs, don't like people that drink and type, or sarcasm and other forms of witty banter aren't your thing, you might be looking for a different blog!   Proper grammar is also not likely...but the message will be clear as day and hopefully at the end of the day help you make a more informed decision on what works best for you!

We encourage questions, topic recommendations and of course new beers we haven't yet tried.


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